Narrator 是一款Mac上实用的文本转语音的工具,今天和大家分享 2.3 版本,支持10.12 新系统,Narrator可以将任意的文本转换为语音文件,即使文本为一篇文章,支持选择多种不同的人声进行发音,还支持各种细微参数的调节,如语音、速度、音调,支持导出为AAC格式,非常不错!
The Mac OS uses great voice synthesis, but let’s face it, it’s limited. You can’t necessarily assign voices to your text and, if you wanted to hear what different folks have to say – like in a group or a meeting, well, that’s really limited too. Narrator changes all of that. It’s simple, really. Just paste your text into the window or import an RTF, .txt or .doc file into Narrator and your letter, story – any text – is brought to life using voice synthesis. You can choose different voices, rates, pitches, inflections and volumes for each character you assign, giving your text a wide range of expressiveness. There are also silent read-along options for stage directions or for you to read out your own parts. And if you need more characters, you can purchase additional voices and in several languages by visiting our web site.
Narrator 2.3 for Mac