Browserism 是一款Mac上实用的多浏览器辅助工具,当你安装多个浏览器时,可以快速方便的切换系统的默认浏览器,支持Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera等主流浏览器,很不错!
[Browserism 在官网上售价1.99美元,约合人民币12元]
Browserism is a little app that helps you quickly switch your Mac's default web browser. Out of the box it supports Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and Opera. You can add up to 4 additional browsers as well. Use a different browser at work than you do at home? Browserism can schedule your work browser to activate at 9:00 AM and your personal browser to active at 5:00 PM (or whatever your work schedule is). Any time you have a need to switch your default browser, Browserism is the quickest and easiest way to do it. No more looking for hidden or hard-to-find settings and menus!
Browserism for Mac 2.2.1