今天和大家分享最新的 Flinto 26 Mac 版本,增加大量新的功能,这是一款Mac上强大的移动应用交互原型设计工具,支持中文界面,可以用于快速制作移动App高保真交互原型,设计师和产品经理必备的软件之一,并支持和Sketch等应用结合使用,很优秀的一款原型设计工具!
The prototyping tool designers have been waiting for. Flinto for Mac enables you to create amazingly realistic prototypes of your mobile app designs with animations, gestures and scrolling. No timelines, no coding, just put stuff where you want it to go. Flinto for Mac is built for designers. If you can use a graphics app, you can use Flinto for Mac. • Design your own custom animated transitions and interactions. • Navigate your app prototype with direct manipulation gestures. • Add scroll areas. Vertical, horizontal, nested, paging, even scroll-based animations. • View your work live on device with our free companion iOS app. • Import screen designs directly from Sketch, or drag and drop assets made in any graphics app. • Send Flinto files to anyone, all they need is our free iOS viewer app.

Flinto for Mac 26.0.5