Lyrical 是一款Mac上的iTunes歌词显示辅助工具,可以在菜单栏显示出音乐的歌词,简单易用,但注意不会自动下载歌词,而是显示出音乐内置的歌词。
[Lyrical 在 Mac App Store上售价6元]
Lyrical is a Notification Center widget, written in Swift, that displays lyrics for the current playing song and various song information including album artwork. The widget lets you control the playback of the song, or set ratings. This is incredibly useful if you are using multiple apps and need quick access to iTunes controls or information. You can also choose to view or hide the current song's lyrics. You can toggle lyrics with just a click, and Lyrical will elegantly expand and collapse to fit the song lyrics.
Lyrical for Mac 1.7.0