今天和大家分享最新的 Mocks 2.7 版本,这是一款Mac上强大的移动 App UI 原型设计工具,可用于设计iOS移动应用原型的设计,包括iPhone、iPad应用,内置大量控件和模板,简单易用,快速制作成精美的APP原型,非常的不错!
Rapidly create beautiful, high-fidelity mockups of iOS, iPad and iPhone applications with Mocks. Mocks is an modern, native app for Mac OS X that gives you special tools to design mockups of iOS applications and screens. Mocks comes with a built-in collection of graphics depicting iOS UI controls and widgets (like buttons, toolbars, and text fields). Drag these controls from the Library palette on the left to the central Canvas area where you compose your mockups. Alignment guides (both automatic, and user-created) help you keep your designs in line.

Mocks for Mac 2.7