今天和大家分享全新的 Sonic Studio Amarra 4 版本,这是Mac上最知名的高品质、高保真的HIFI音乐播放器,支持和iTunes集成使用,支持WAV, AIFF, FLAC, ALAC, MP3等音乐格式,是音乐爱好者们必备的一款HIFI播放器,强烈推荐!
[Amarra 4 在官网上售价49.9美元]
Amarra is a high resolution music player designed for the discriminating ears of audiophiles and professionals. Deep, analog, natural, and musical; these are words Amarra our customers use when describing their Amarra listening experiences. With Amarra, you'll have many "oh wow!" moments even with tracks you've listened to for years. That's because Amarra enables your music to sound the way it was intended to be heard: beautifully.
Sonic Studio Amarra 4 for Mac