Timerik 是一款Mac上优秀的定时器和闹钟工具,简单易用,可以方便的设置多个定时器、闹钟、倒计时等,支持各种提醒,很不错!
[Timerik 在 Mac App Store上售价12元]
Timirik app is a beautiful, handy and easy to use tool that allows to set a timer for some action. Basic action is a simple notification. If you don't wanna forget about a cake in a oven, just set the Timerik! GENERAL FEATURES: — Small and huge at the same time — Quick set up: save a default action and use the +/– 30 min. buttons for time adjusting — Automatic installation of the default actions: Shutdown, Restart, Sleep, Log out and Stop music — You can set any applescript that you want — Multiple windows: setting an additional notifications — Status bar assistants: information about which counter and when will be run
Timerik for Mac 1.2