VIP下载地址:PN for Mac 15.4.59
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今天和大家分享最新的 Paragon NTFS 15.4.59 中文版本,支持最新的 macOS Mojave 10.14 系统,Paragon NTFS 是Mac上一款NTFS分区驱动,这款软件能够让我们读写 NTFS 分区,因为在Mac OS X 系统上,默认对NTFS分区只能读而不能写,但我们的移动硬盘或U盘很多都是用NTFS进行的分区,所以当你发现在Mac上无法往移动硬盘或U盘中写入数据时,大部分原因是你没有按照NTFS分区驱动,安装此驱动即可,很实用!
Microsoft NTFS is one of the primary file systems of Windows. If you work on a Mac computer and need to read or write files from HDD, SSD or a flash drive formatted under Windows, you need Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software.
Write, edit, copy, move and delete files on Microsoft NTFS volumes from your Mac! Fast, seamless, easy to use. Mount, unmount, verify, format or set any of your Microsoft NTFS volumes as a startup drive.