今天和大家分享最新的 Core Animator 1.4 版本,这是一款Mac上易用的零代码动画开发工具,能够帮助 iOS 或 OS X 开发者进行动画的开发设计,从而大量节省编码时间,支持导出Swift和Objective-C代码,非常实用的一款开发工具!
[Core Animator 在 Mac App Store上售价328元]
Core Animator gives you simple visual tools to create stunning animations. You focus on the best ways to bring your apps to life and we'll take care of the Swift or Obj-C code for you.
Your creations will run beautifully using Apple's native frameworks. Every app deserves animation. Now, it’s simple to implement.
If you have, or would like to have, even a single animation in your app, Core Animator will save you time and money.
- Character rigs
- Tutorial / Instructions
- Animated Focus Points
- UI Elements
- Full Scenes / Books
- Subtle Animated enhancement to any app
Bug fixes and stability improvements.
Specifically, rotating and scaling elements within groups should be more consistent.
运行「keygen.app」,点击「Open」,选择「应用程序」目录中的Core Animator,然后点击Save即可。
Core Animator for Mac 1.4