VideoToolbox 是一款Mac上优秀的mp4和m4v视频编辑工具,简单易用,不需要Quicktime支持,支持导出视频信息到TXT, RTF, XML, JSON, and PLIST等。
VideoToolbox is a set of mp4 and m4v tools. This app allows you to easily access all your tools in a beautiful and clear interface. You no longer need to launch Quicktime X or Final Cut Pro to simply extract a picture or change the resolution. VideoToolbox will change your habits and save you time.
Here is the list of tools:
• The media info tool extracts movie information to TXT, RTF, XML, JSON, and PLIST..
• The snaps tool captures movie frames selected at regular time intervals.
• The thumbnails tool builds an informative preview image of the movie.
• The timelapse tool produces a time lapse saved as an m4v file or as a gif.
• The flipbook tool generates printable flip books from movie files.
• The export tool converts movies to other formats from a list of presets.
• The metadata tool reads and edits metadata tags of mp4 and m4v files.
[VideoToolbox 在 Mac App Store上售价198元]
VideoToolbox for Mac 1.0.19
![](https://www.scoee.com/images/201903/VideoToolbox for Mac 1.0.19.jpg)