Corel Painter Essentials 是一款Mac上优秀的绘图工具,专为艺术发烧友和新兴摄影艺术家设计的,使用革命性的粒子刷来增加头发或毛发的细节。
Corel® Painter® Essentials™ 5 is a paint program that makes it easy to create amazing art at any skill level. Easily sketch, draw or paint on a blank canvas with award-winning Natural-Media® brushes that are custom selected for beginners. Want to do something really different and exciting with your photos? Discover the unmatched photo-paint editor and cloning tool that will transform your pictures into impressive art right before your eyes. Explore a wide variety of painting styles, brushes and photo effects that let you create an authentic, hand-painted look every time. It's the most natural way to show your unique personality and style.
1、运行Painter Essentials 5.pkg完成安装
2、选择i have a serial number ,然后选择「0安装注意.rtfd」里面的其中一个序列号
3、安装完成之后,拷贝Painter Essentials 5到【应用程序】/ainter Essentials 5.app / 右键显示包内容/Contents / MacOS
Corel Painter Essentials 5 for Mac