Icon Slate 是一款Mac上方便易用的多分辨率图标生成工具,今天和大家分享最新的 4.4.9 版本,Icon Slate 可以快速的制作出针对iOS、Mac、Android、icns、ico等多种分辨率和格式的图标,节省大量时间。
Icon Slate lets you easily compose, import and export icons in many formats for desktop and mobile.
• Multi-formats
Import and export .icns (Retina), iOS (iOS 9, Retina, Retina HD), Apple Watch, .iconset, .ico (Windows 256x256, Favicon), Android, custom sizes (.png, .tiff), .iContainer files and Folder.
• Customizations
Customize sizes and filenames to use for each formats.
Save format configurations. PNG Optimization.
• Simple
Drag and drop one or several images to compose your icon.
• Quick
Create icons quickly by using copy mode (Copy to empty or filled sizes) and operation mode (Cover filled sizes, Trim transparent pixels).
• import and export
Manage multiple icons in a project. Batch import and export.
[Icon Slate 在 Mac App Store上售价30元]
Icon Slate for Mac 4.4.9