Panorama是一款Mac上专业的全景图像拼接工具,可以快速的制作出全景图,支持多种 RAW 格式,可以与最新的数码相机密切合作。除此之外,它还为专业用户提供了贴心的手动微调选项,支持五种专业的全景图拼接方式:自动、横向、360°、平铺、纵向等拼接模式。
[Panorama 在Mac App Store售价128元]
Panorama extends the capability of your digital camera or scanner by stitching multiple overlapping pictures into wide angle panoramas.
Why use Panorama rather than Camera app to make a panorama?
Panorama uses a better stitching technique that does not warp horizontal edges in your photos. Instead you obtain a panorama that is truer to the geometry of the scene.
Doubles and triples your camera's field of view! Vertically or horizontally.
Employs an approach not found in other products of this type removing artificial curvature of straight edges, creating a more realistic panorama.
Panorama for Mac 1.1.2