App Uninstaller for Mac 6.3 版本,支持最新的 macOS Mojave 10.14 系统,这一款Mac上优秀的应用完全卸载和系统维护工具,个人认为要比CleanMyMac等软件好用很多,可以快速方便的卸载应用,彻底删除残余文件,还支持重复文件查找、内存释放、启动项管理、垃圾清理等。
App Uninstaller is a utility used to uninstall applications completely. This app allows you to remove all the system files that are left after simply dragging apps to the Trash.
Analyze disk space usage
Clean up and speed up your Mac
Free up RAM memory
Monitor memory usage
Find and remove duplicate files
Find and remove largest files
Uninstall unneeded apps completely
App Uninstaller 6.3 for Mac