File Cabinet Pro 是一款Mac上实用的菜单栏文件快捷管理工具,可以方便的拖拽任意文件到菜单栏的暂存窗口中,并且支持快速访问任意目录和文件,很不错!
[File Cabinet Pro 在 Mac App Store上售价198元]
File Cabinet Pro is the file manager for the macOS menu bar. Quickly navigate to files without cluttering your desktop. Open, move, rename, compress, tag, trash, copy and paste files, all from the menu bar. You can open many file types natively in File Cabinet Pro or open files by launching other applications. It's easy to click into directories in icon view, drill through directories in list view, or navigate the file tree in column view.
File Cabinet Pro for Mac 3.6.5